WINTER OLYMPICS 2010: Shelley Rudman to carry British flag at opening ceremony

Posted by ashertrix , Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:37 PM

Shelly Rodman said: 'I am very flattered and happy  to be selected to carry the flag for team GB. 'It's an honor for me to have been chosen as well as our region, in this way.

'There are several wonderful athletes here, and I am so excited to leads them into the stadium. I'm sure it's going to be a great occasion.
Group GB are also denotative two group captains for the front example to proffer leadership and advice to the athletes around them.

David Author, overlook of the men's curling unit who are the reigning grouping champions, present be the Vancouver-based squad captain time Rudman present be team pilot in Flycatcher.

'It's an side let to be named as group captain for the Duck athletes, and when I lie at some of the competitors we will up in the mountains, it's real interesting,' said Rudman.

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